I’m doing the exact thing Thomas Sowell lamented that intellectuals do - perpetuating other intellectual ideas - with one caveat:
I’m on the action side of the intellectual fault line most days.
Tomorrow, I’m starting a reading circle.
In this particular reading, Sowell whines about the Intelligensia (people whose currency is ideas rather than actions). He dives into how the current academic and intellectual “infrastructure” of our society has no constraints for and incentivizes posturing and inaction…. kinda what he himself does… but perhaps I’m giving away too much.
I’m about to be about my business getting people together connecting, disagreeing, and having a grand ol’ time talking about the highly contentious Thomas Sowell.
If you’re interested in joining, drop a comment.
We’re starting tomorrow night Saturday, January 9th ~6pm Pacific.
Pre reading: Intellectuals & Society Chapter 21
Low pressure on the reading, though. Don’t come in fully locked and loaded…I’ll probably have a glass of wine ( or 3) and be ready to have a laugh.
I’ll post my commentary and a summary of our discussion afterward.