
I loved Brett’s sharing of the fire alarm experience. The way I see it through my mindfulness trainings filter is that strong emotion is the body’s way of saying something is off and you should take a look. Often when I go in and dig deeper what I find is that I’m operating under a false premise. Like that the fire alarm shouldn’t have gone off (it did) and that I will feel better if I blame. Usually I find I don’t. In this case Brett discovered he was wrong, and all that emotion was for naught. Often that’s the case. When I learn to go in thinking I probably don’t know so much it usually serves. And that, takes practice!

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I did too! And yes, the emotion can usually be tracked back to something in me that is off. Never really goes away, but we get better at recognizing it.

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I think it can go away…or at least now with lots of practice, some of it I notice, smile, and let go.

On another topic thx for making me think, lots. Sometimes too much! 🤔But really it’s good. I was watching a Nebula show on the Universe last night with my kids and this guy heard about the two divergent pathways of thought and said, okay great. I’ll study both. Thought of you right away. ❤️

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