I have never learnt something new from institutes, rather than through self experimentation. Lately i have also been feeling that Higher education complexifies things and tries to decorate shit, when things can be explained in much simpler terms.

And it sorta becomes an ego boost for people involved in the system to climb this ladder.

Eventually you learn to carve your own path.

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I learned a lot from formal education, but idk how much I needed the formal part for. If I just spent time I'd have learned it on my own. Mentorship is invaluable but again does it have to be from a formal institution ? Doubt it.

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Our education benefits not us but those big corporations who hire us as slaves. The 'higher' the education the worse the slavery.

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It certainly should, but I'd argue it doesn't. Yes the higher the degree technically the higher salary, but what about fulfillment?

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Oh I didn’t write salary. I was talking about corporate slavery.

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Haha a fine line between the two

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