Hi there!

1. TBH I'm not entirely sure we have except perhaps in a Substack office hours thread?

2. Lots of things but I'm most fascinated by PKM at the moment and I'm a bit obsessed with building a Zettelkasten with index cards instead of using an app like a sane person.

3. GenX, introvert, curious

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Okay I had to google zettelkasten 🤣 but this sounds fascinating. I wrote a grant a year or two ago maybe it was three about online experience platforms for learning I've got a really interesting one that I post about and use quite often. It's still in beta stages, but if you're interested I'm happy to share an invite!

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That would be generous of you, thanks!

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I'll send it to you on discord tomorrow

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You liked my post (my substack: https://smartsucka.substack.com) in a substack shoutout thread on July 7, 2022 and wanted to check out yours as well!

Interested in learning about everything and anything, especially if it pertains to health. And the truth in many matters seems to be ignored - that needs to stop (the MSM needs to grow a set and stop being compromised).

Critical thinker, convenient conspiracy theorist, health freak.

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Convenient conspiracy theorist! I love it!

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Nice idea for a thread.

1) Hmm, might have been at one of Substack's everyone-write-together hours last year? I miss those

2) Just finished Huxley's The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, so thinking a lot about the idea of a "true" way of looking at the world that gets covered over by our various everyday agendas: survival, self-protection, the ego's chattering and preening, etc

3) Analytical, creative, trying

If I had a 4th word it'd be "tired"

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So glad we found each other. Now I want to read that!

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Me too! And coming soon 😊

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1. We used to work together, and I miss you

2. Deeply interested in not getting overwhelmed by all the loud crazy people who are trying to ruin the world

3. Patient, witty, beige

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JUDY! AH we MUST catch up! Very important to let these thoughts float in and out of your mind like clouds. Nothing is permanent and mindfulness works wonders.

I miss you too thank you for joining in!

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1. We met on Substack Go this February.

2. Deeply interested in learning about the models of creative work, I illustrate ideas inside my head.

3. Messenger of Chaos, Yoga Practitioner, Ideator.

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It's crazy to think that we just met! I think as two messengers of chaos we just easily flocked together!

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I followed you on Instagram. I suspect it was because of spicy me mes

Cultural anthropology, cross linguistic and religious discourse, critical discourse analysis, the auditory reception of religious texts across time as it relates to the move from oral to written cultures. The dialectic of antitraditional reactionary modernism in liturgical praxis, new pedagogical techniques in the study and teaching of classical languages - with a resultant emphasis on exploring how the meaning of the text changes or is enhanced through hearing as opposed to reading. (Other pretentious areas of interest might be included in the future)

Sarcastic critical-thinker inquisitive.

Henry Long

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Such an OG! Cross platform love! And I could easily be obsessed with all of those things you just mentioned. There's this crazy new Catholic resurgence... Wild. ❤️

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1. Like Alex, I'm here from meeting you on Substack Grow's breakroom! Your newsletter sounded riiiight up my alley so I was super excited to discover it and your podcast might be the one to convert me to podcasts.

2. Huh. Literally drawing a blank.

3. Curly-haired, bright, talkative.

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1. We met in Substack Grow like an hour ago hahaha

2. Um...this morning I did a deep dive into how to properly clean up counter tops I've never learned how to do it and need step by step instruction like do you wipe the mess into your hand or use a paper towel or what there is NOT ENOUGH GUIDANCE ON THIS

3. alex mufukin dobrenko

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haha holy shit, the countertop thing...please, please, PLEASE do not tell me you use a sponge on them...https://www.tiktok.com/@theory_gang/video/7099470822787632427?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1

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hahahahah i thought about using a sponge what is wrong with that what do you use I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO

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I've heard people using the sponge to scour, then going over with a clean cloth, but I say NO. You're spreading the germs on the sponge, regardless. Keep your sponge away from my counter.

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