sit on them for a month. you can pitch or not pitch in that time but hold off on self publishing. self publishing might be the right choice in the end (: but you should be sure before you choose <3
oof, i feel you. although i'm not brave / knowledgeable about pitching, so although i relate to getting to the end of the week feeling that 'don't know what to do with them', as i write each day then sit on / hide it away 😬 so thank you for writing about this conundrum.
i wonder what you define as 'publishing'? is it being published elsewhere or does it also include this space and other self published outlets? i also wonder about taking care of your feels, if being a bit fed up rn. i love your words and hope you can go to places where you feel celebrated as you deserve ☺️
Thank you, Dionne. I probably do need to take care of my feelies! I am a bit fed up with pitching - maybe just one outlet in particular - but still. I'm sure my academic publish or perish background has me thinking that only "peer-reviewed" or in this case, "traditional" publication counts... which is absolutely false. Funny how we convince ourselves things that we know are false. Thank you for your encouragement. <3<3
sit on them for a month. you can pitch or not pitch in that time but hold off on self publishing. self publishing might be the right choice in the end (: but you should be sure before you choose <3
Thanks, boo. That's good advice. Especially for someone who has a hard time sitting on anything.
I feel that! Take it one day at a time and make sure you congratulate yourself on every day you give it space 💖
Aw thank you. I definitely need that reminder. I'm very thankful for LWS for that very reason.
If you publish them here, does that mean you can't publish them elsewhere later?
Pretty much 😩
that's sad. Freedom to publish multiple times should be given.
Well I suppose it makes sense. You might want your readership to have exclusive rights to whatever you publish.
oof, i feel you. although i'm not brave / knowledgeable about pitching, so although i relate to getting to the end of the week feeling that 'don't know what to do with them', as i write each day then sit on / hide it away 😬 so thank you for writing about this conundrum.
i wonder what you define as 'publishing'? is it being published elsewhere or does it also include this space and other self published outlets? i also wonder about taking care of your feels, if being a bit fed up rn. i love your words and hope you can go to places where you feel celebrated as you deserve ☺️
Thank you, Dionne. I probably do need to take care of my feelies! I am a bit fed up with pitching - maybe just one outlet in particular - but still. I'm sure my academic publish or perish background has me thinking that only "peer-reviewed" or in this case, "traditional" publication counts... which is absolutely false. Funny how we convince ourselves things that we know are false. Thank you for your encouragement. <3<3
love that you can reframe this. here's to defining your journey on your own terms! 💜