Theory Gang
Syllojism S2E3 - The Interpersonal Intelligence of Street Teaching with TikTok Teacher Emily Pool
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -55:21

Syllojism S2E3 - The Interpersonal Intelligence of Street Teaching with TikTok Teacher Emily Pool

What educators need to be effective

Syllojism is a bi-weekly, culture, and philosophy challenge podcast on the edge of chaos.

CHALLENGE: Teach people on the street about Multiple Intelligences and have them fill out this survey.

Brett and I took to the streets to teach people about the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and asked TikTok Teaching Sensation Emily Pool to share secrets to her success as a teacher and social media star. We discussed interpersonal skills, the K-12 educational system, small groups, generational cultures, and experiential learning.

As a little Bonus, I made a mini-scientific article to illustrate the results:

Natasha Mott is a Marginally Superior Educator As Compared to Brett Bakos

by Natasha Mott, Ph.D. - Theory Gang Substack, October 5, 2022


Clearly, I miss writing scientific papers, so I wrote up this little piece for you. My hypothesis was that I am a better educator than Brett, and I think the evidence is weak, but in support of that conclusion. LMAO.

INTRODUCTION: Brett and I are fierce competitors (or at least we play them on TV), and so fans of our show request a thorough joust. In this episode we square off in our abilities to communicate with people well enough to teach them some shit. We estimate that excellent teachers have a high degree of Interpersonal “Intelligence”.


I created the survey and sent it. Then, I headed to Broadway in Nashville with my friend Kearra and a tripod. I spoke with two individuals (one of whom did not fill out the survey. THANKS JENNI.) and two groups. The older group of students could not figure out the QR code situation, and the one who could was hesitant to fill out the form. Brett dilly-dallied and waited until the last minute to head to a local shopping center with his camerawoman. Brett talked with a street musician, a barista, and a woman who did not want to go on camera. He totally pretended he agreed with the last woman even though I could tell he wanted to strangle her.


I’ll send out the full videos of each of our interactions with our students tomorrow in the Behind Scenes Footage.

For the video evidence of my claim, and to support our future squabbles, please consider upgrading to a paid membership.


Here are the responses from the surveys.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which of the following was not part of Howard Gardner's original theory of intelligence?. Number of responses: 7 responses.
Correct Answer: A & C Scores: Brett 50%, Natasha 60-100%
Forms response chart. Question title: The theory of Multiple Intelligences has been validated, scientifically just like IQ.. Number of responses: 7 responses.
Correct Answer: False Scores: Brett 50%, Natasha 100%
Forms response chart. Question title: I felt connected with my teacher. Number of responses: 7 responses.
Scores Brett: 9.5/10, Natasha 7.4
Forms response chart. Question title: My teacher was effective at conveying the theory of Multiple Intelligences.. Number of responses: 7 responses.
Scores: Brett: 8/10, Natasha 8.8/10
Forms response chart. Question title: I enjoyed this experience. Number of responses: 7 responses.
Scores: Brett 9/10, Natasha 8.4/10


Sample Size. My sample size was 5. I taught individuals and groups, and Brett taught two individuals. Brett’s sample size was TWO, Hahaha. Brett claims he could not access the survey for his third participant for some reason which I don’t understand. He texted me and I refreshed the survey, so I’m not sure what the issue was, but he did have two weeks to complete the task - so it might have auto-closed on that fool who could have done it SOONER!

Efficacy. For the first question, technically, my score was 60%, but of the students who answered incorrectly, they were half correct. Also, the time I spent with people was far less. I spent under 5 minutes with each group or individual. If Brett would have had a time limit, I’d wager his responses would have been different.

Acknolwedgements: A huge thank you to our Street Teaching Students. We had an absolute blast. Thank you for being open-minded and ready to learn!

Show Notes

02:29 TikTok Teachers - What’s appropriate?

07:20 The Challenge

11:33 Interpersonal skills in a group vs w individuals

13:50 Small group education works, exposed by COVID

17:19 Testing in education

18:40 Pros and cons of “experiential learning”

22:42 Intergenerational effects and boundaries as components of interpersonal intelligence

24:43 Erosion of self in US West coast education

28:42 Coddling and the lack of adversity leading to a lack of resiliency

33:00 GenZ’s emotional need for a Himbo PogDaddy and lack of interpersonal skills

35:49 What teachers are teaching about the 1619 project 

38:08 The critical missing part of Critical Race Theory 

42:09 Natasha's optimism after getting dragged on TikTok

46:19 What makes @TooPoolForSchool so successful as a teacher and a TikToker

47:54 Authenticity on Social Media

49:44 Combating the Kardashians manipulation by Thinking Fast and Slow

54:06 Emily Pool's Interpersonal School for Teachers who Don't Teach Good

Challenge for Episode 4: To test out logical/mathematical thinking we will endeavor to find a question which is its own answer. Can you solve this quine?

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